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As you can see it’s a women covered with a veil. The veil has many unique details; actually it was the hardest part because I wanted it to be different so any details would be repeated. The eyes transmit a deep look, a deep unknown look. When I though about this drawing I started thinking about the Islam religion at the beginning, but then I thought differently. I am not trying to represent a Muslim on this drawing. I’m trying to represent a girl who is cover from reality, who its being hiding from the truth. I did this with a pencil, its all pencil, the purple background was painted with acrylics. I did took a lot of time, I though about techniques for the eyes and uniqueness of my drawing. 

It was really hard making this drawing for many reasons. The veiled it’s really big so I had to create many different drawings and details for cover it completely, all details on the veil are unique. It took long time to make it full, because the paper I draw on was an A3 cardboard.  The hardest part for me to draw was the eyes. It was the first time for me to draw eyes so I took like 30 minutes on each eye. At the end of a 3 hours long work I was really satisfied, I did put a lot of effort but I really liked my product. 


   This is a heart of imperfection, things you choose, what you feel, and things you want are work of your heart. In life you make a lot of mistakes, things you regret about at the end they are just imperfections. This heart represents a heart of a person who has pass through rough situations in life that had many problems and had to take many hard decisions. This heart has a lot of injuries, unsolved problems and a big pain. That’s what I wanted to show in this drawing and what it means for me. I did this in A4 white cardboard and draw it with a black marker. I cut it and paste it on a red cardboard. It took a while because of the really small drawings and details inside of the heart.

I really liked making this drawing, although it took a while and it need a lot of patience making all those drawing what inspired me to do it, keep going was the meaning of it. When a drawing was a meaning for me its like to listen a voice you cant ignore. It’s like a message that wants to go out to the world and I have to be the one who takes it out. For me this drawing has a deep meaning. 



This tree has an ordinary tree shape, but what’s inside of it it’s the important thing and the meaning of it. This tree shows many things. Each drawing on it has a meaning; it’s a time of my life, a situation or a person. I thought about this tree as I am the shape of the tree and things inside are the things that make me who I am, and has been part of me and will always do.  I did this tree once when I was asking to myself  who am I? And my answer came up with this drawing.  I made this with a black pen, on a white cardboard. I didn’t take long time on it being real. When it’s about people or situation that was change your life or are the reason of who you are ideas just pop on my mind so quickly.

I think this drawing made me appreciate this entire people, all this reasons who make me be what I am. It made me think a lot, and when I finished drawing it all I felt like I had the perfect answer for a question that was rounding on my head for so long. I really like drawing things like this, things that have meanings, solve problems and they are the answers for questionS